Sustainable Food: Sea2Table Shrimp "Jambalaya"


This is one of those perfect marriages of almonds & action! Except swap shrimp for almonds and sustainability as the action. I love when I can do good while eating yummy food, and this dinner hit that sweet spot. Sea2Table is a company started by an old friend of mine and I recently placed my first order, the starter kit. It included a a variety of shrimp, salmon, and cod - all of their offerings are wild, traceable, domestic, sustainable and never contain hormones, GMO's, and antibiotics. The best part is that after quite some time of supplying restaurants they now ship directly to you in a beautiful box full of dry ice.

I've been trying to be more conscious about my purchasing habits, across all verticals but especially food because not only does it impact the environment and world, but it impacts my insides too!

For the shrimp that came in my starter pack I decided to spice things up and do a little riff on jambalaya (Louisianian's, maybe look away because this is definitely not traditional!). Check it out below:

Servings: 2 people


  • 1 dozenSea2Table shrimp
  • 2-4 Andouille Chicken & Turkey Sausage (I used this one from Applegate) cut into half moons
  • 2-4 yellow squash cut into half moons
  • small branch of cherry tomatoes
  • salt/oil of your choice
  • brussel sprouts & little potatoes roasted on the side

How to:

In a deep sauté pan or wide pot, heat oil and add the tomatoes. Cover with a lid and let them blister and become soft. Add the sausage and squash and sauté until browned and soft. The tomatoes will start to breakdown, if you need a little more liquid add a splash of white wine and/or water. When everything comes to a light boil add in the shrimp for a few minutes until cooked all the way through. Either let sit on a low simmer or serve right away. Salt to taste.

I served this along side super simply roasted halved little potatoes & brussels which were a perfect crispy/creamy balance to the spicy, smoky, acidic "jambalaya" combo.

Check out the pics below of the shipment & the meal!