Rodham Consulting: "If you're not at the table, you're on the menu"

Do you love that line? It's front and center when you head to RodhamConsulting.Com and I just think it's so shockingly awesome. It reminds me of something I heard during yoga teacher training in reference to holding back from doing what you're passionate about, which was: "There's already someone else out there, less qualified than you, doing what you want to be doing". Rodham Consulting is a group of progressive women with backgrounds in politics and strategy who want to help more women get into elected roles. Their mission is to connect potential candidates with mentors and advisors to help navigate the very complex process of entering into our government.They are seeking women in Illinois who want to be clients, advisors, connectors, and supporters.

This weekend, I attended an event called Politics and Coffee where a number of female state representatives and local activists discussed their stories, and how they want to help. It was so inspiriting to see women that are in office and also to see how many women WANT to get involved. Many of us had similar stories: the election was devastating, it was a call to action, we became overwhelmed/confused on where to start, so here we am! A few people were further down the road, one gal already has her eye on an election to run in, and a few are eyeing the long game.

Here were some key takeaways:

  1. For women with children that want to enter politics: "It's never the 'right time', so just dive in"
  2. As a woman with children in politics it can have the adverse effect of being a woman in corporate America with kids, in business kids are often viewed as a hindrance, in politics they help enhance your relatability
  3. BUILD YOUR BASE: even if you aren't planning to run anytime soon, start building your network and supporters now
  4. If you are intimidated by campaigning (i.e. knocking on doors, cold calling, petitioning): Don't let your campaign be the first time you do it. Get experience in these areas supporting someone else so that you're comfortable with it when you go out to promote yourself

If this is something you or someone you know is interested in go to RodhamConsulting.Com and sign up, or connect with me and I will do my best to make the connection.

For other organizations doing similar work to promote women in politics check out this page.

Check out the video below of Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer discussing the first two key learnings

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