Frozen Banana Golden Beet Bowl with Cappello's Chocolate Chip Cookies (GF/DF/Grain Free/Soy Free)

This combo might seem strange but stay with me here - I've previously made an almond milk + frozen banana bowl and it basically tasted just like a super sweet ice cream but this time I wanted to try adding in the golden beets to see what would happen. Honestly you could hardly taste them but if you knew they were there it was a cool little earthy note and just a fun way to sneak in extra nutrients! I didn't end up using the fresh banana at all as pictured below so literally all this bowl entailed was (for 2 people):

  • Homemade Almond Milk (about 2/3 cup)
  • 2-3 frozen mashed bananas
  • 1/2 package of Trader Joe's Golden Beets

All you do is add those ingredients to your blend and mix it up!

Serve right away with sprinkle of shredded coconut and Cappello's Warm Chocolate Chip Cookies! This dessert feels super decadent and filling but has zero dairy so you don't end up feeling heavy or full! Try it out and let me know what you think!
